Für diejenigen, die sich Anfang Juli in Namibia aufhalten möchten wir eine Veranstaltung der Namibia Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft empfehlen:
Subject: NEWS Talk 09 July - Rhino Conservation and Tourism in Kunene by Simson !Uri-?Khob, Save the Rhino Trust
Picture by Dave Hamman Photography, Simson !Uri-?Khob covering rhino eyes
Monday, 09 July 2012 at 19h00
Simson will discuss some of the challenges in rhino conservation in Kunene and the development of science-based protocols for responsible rhino-viewing tourism.
Simson !Uri-?Khob holds a Master of Science (Conservation Biology) from the University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom. His Masters thesis was entitled Attitudes and perceptions of local communities towards the reintroduction of black rhino (Dicores bicornis bicornis) into their historical range in northwest Kunene Region, Namibia.
He has worked at Save the Rhino Trust since 1992 and has been involved in:
· Rhino capture, translocation & fitting of transmitters (2006, 2008, 2009, 2010)
· Rhino Census (2002-2009)
· Rhino and Elephant monitoring training to Community Game Guards (2003-2010)
· Annual game Counts in the Northwest Kunene (2001-2010)
· Training of Community Game Guards in Namibia’s conservancies (2006-2011)
· Training of SRT Trackers (1992-present)
· Supervision/organisation/deployment of four tracking teams (1992-present)
· Training-of-trainers Course: Elephant Behaviour, Sexing and Ageing at Ambosily Nat. Park Kenya (1997)
· Scene-of-the-Crime Training: Advanced Course and Train-the-Trainer Course (2012)
VENUE: rooms of the Namibia Scientific Society, 110 Robert Mugabe Ave, opposite the National Theatre in Windhoek.
No entrance fee - Donations welcome.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Best regards,
Hilda-Marie Botha
Office Coordinator (NEWS)
Namibian Environment & Wildlife Society (NEWS)
Physical Address:
76/78 Frans Indongo Street, Windhoek
Tel +264 61 306450
Tel/Fax (answering machine) +264 61 306290
Postal Address:
PO Box 3508, Windhoek, Namibia
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